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Welsh Women's Aid announced as charity partner for 2018

We are pleased to announce Welsh Women's Aid as our charity partner for 2018.

Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women. They are a federation of specialist organisations in Wales (working as part of a UK network of services) that provide lifesaving services to survivors of violence and abuse – women, men, children, families – and deliver a range of innovative preventative services in local communities. They have been at the forefront of shaping coordinated community responses and practice in Wales since we were established in 1978. They campaign for change and provide advice, consultancy, support and training to deliver policy and service improvements for survivors, families and communities.

They also deliver services including the Welsh Government funded Live Fear Free Helpline, a National Training Service, refuge support and advocacy services in Colwyn Bay and Wrexham, and the national Children Matter preventative project supporting children and young people in every local authority in Wales. They place the experiences and needs of survivors at the centre of all that they do. #charity #Wales#women

For more information please visit their website


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